Ladies (and gents, who am I to gender stereotype clothing?) word of weather/fashion advice. If there was ever one, NOW is the time to have the courage to grab yourself a pair of these pretties…
TIGHTS WITH HOLES. No, I’m not talking Courtney Love HOLE era rips (see what I did there?), but tights which I’m sure have some kind of fashionable name that I don’t know because I talk about the weather, not the catwalk. They sport deliberate holes.
Now, this isn’t for the looks (even though I know your pins deserve a good airing). Wherever you are, with the changing of the seasons, you get about a month gap when it’s about to become too cold or too hot, and more or less coverage would be needed. Embrace the change! Celebrate the delicious little gusts of breeze that will find their way to your bare skin through hopefully pretty, and flattering, cut out flowers. They also look great against a background of falling autumn leaves and budding spring frangipani. Frolic away. **
**As demonstrated in picture. See how much fun she’s having? That’s from Totally French.
Oh man, I am so screwed.